No, absolutely not. The lines of the palms are impermanent and will change over time whereas the finger prints remain same throughout a person's life.Striae test is based on the most advanced scientific and medical research as a root. Besides that, Dermatoglyphics testing refers to the growth in human hands, protruding ridges on the soles of the feet, which is a lifetime constant; and palm readers are targeted at handheld staff recessed lines which keep changing over a period of time. The analysis doesn't predict one's future but rather gives a comprehensive insight into one's innate potential. Some practitioners misuse dermatoglyphics and conduct fortune- telling Instead of proper analysis. This practise is considered a faux pas as dermatoglyphics is based on genetic research instead of baseless predictions.
The DMI Test is applicable for all age groups because by doing DMIT Test of your children to find out their inborn abilities, personality, unique learning styles and and talents that they are naturally endowed with. The content of this report early give a comprehensive and detailed insight into your inborn brain potential based on an age old scientific research on Dermatoglyphics. The content of this test addresses all age groups
Dermatoglyphics Analysis is an integration of neuroscience, medicine, genetics, psychology and behavioral science and it is based on the formation and the amount of ridges present on the finger prints. Fingerprints are usually formed during the 13th to 19th week of an embryo. They begin to develop in the embryo in the 13th week, and are formed by the 24th week. It is closely related to the infant's brain development. The distribution of prints is considered to represent brain cells' proportion and distribution in each of the brain lobes. The study of dermatoglyphics has fascinated researchers since the first work done by Purkeinji in 1823. The characteristic features of epidermal ridges are:
Alteration of dermatoglyphic patterns have been reported in several congenital conditions. A genetic disease which was first noticed because of several dermatoglyphic peculiarities was the Down syndrome. In 1939, long before the chromosomal basis of Down syndrome was established, Cummins pointed out characteristics differences in dermatoglyphic features in patients with Down syndrome compared to the normal population. The association of abnormal ridge patterns with chromosomal aberrations has been reported by many investigators. Psychological abnormalities have also been studied. Unusual ATD angles in combination with other statistical anomalies are common in various forms of retardation. Personality can be traced early in the mother's womb, and it is reflected in fingerprints (dermatoglyphics). Since each person's fingerprints are unique, we can understand one's innate potential, personality, and preference. Although dermatoglyphics may identify a person's potential, one may not be able to reach his/her full potential without training. If your fingerprints identify that one has potential in art, but lack of training of discipline, one's potential would possible be hidden.